About North Star
Many a sea captain has used the guiding light of the North Star to find their way home. At North Star Business Center, owner and office administrator Diana North prides herself on providing a home and invaluable help to small business owners and the public. Located in a recently renovated building on 6th Street in Downtown Show Low, North Star Business Center provides office space as well as an extensive selection of administrative support & services. “I love people, and businesses are just a whole bunch of people put together,” smiles Diana warmly during our interview. “My job is to help fill in the blanks and help business owners connect with other businesses, take care of their customers and grow their business.”
No strangers to local business, Diana and her husband Steve (who is the City of Show Low Economical Developer) moved to the White Mountains in 2007 and since then have become well known fixtures in the business community. Diana was deeply involved in the Show Low Main Street program and managed all of their events including the April Spring Shoppes, Farmers' Market & Art Walk, Show Low Battle of the Bands & Vans, Spooktacular Festival, Santa & the Shoppes on Gingerbread Lane, Shop Small Saturday Poker Run, and helped Steve with the Christmas Tree Lighting.
They are the proud parents of two grown children, both Arizona-born and their daughter in law, Tayele and soon to be son in law, Stephen… of which all 4 are ASU graduates - - - Go Sun Devils!!! Their daughter Kacie is in marketing and her fiance, Stephen Denton, is an amazing photographer. Their son Cole is a Mechanical Engineer and his wife, Tayele Kringen, is a brilliant young lady that has done so many wonderful things and now is heading down the entrepreneurial path and creating a glamping site near the beautiful Grand Canyon.
The North Star story began in the spring of 2010 when Peter Tims of White Mountain Jewelers in Show Low decided to offer timeshare office space in his building. “I approached him to come on board and later, a company called My Brother's Office came into town to offer a similar service. They decided to partner with Peter. After a period of time, Peter decided he wanted to focus on his jewelry business so we moved into another building and renamed the business MBO Executive Suites because it is much easier to understand as a brand. Having three other locations in the Valley, the company decided to focus more on those locations and left in November of 2014. I have carried the torch forward and with the help of Cedar Ridge Development, we now have our beautifully renovated building to call home.”
Fueled by Diana's famous enthusiasm and positive can-do attitude, North Star Business Center offers a unique working environment designed to meet a variety of business needs and budgets. “I really want our clients to see the office as a cooperative where we all have fun and grow our businesses together. I offer a wide array of business services and administrative support. I have co-working space, hot desks, meeting space, a conference room as well as full-time private and shared offices. Our conference room is well equipped and available for scheduling. We offer notary public, faxing, scanning, emailing, and assorted copy & print services. I have customer drop-off and pickup and receive shipments from USPS, UPS, and Federal Express. Give me the opportunity to hear your needs, and I will figure out a way to make it happen,” smiles Diana. “In addition to the services we offer here, we have a network of people with a large pool of talent. We have a number of great home-based businesses that appreciate having an office space to take care of business at a price they can afford. We also offer services for salespeople who travel all over the place and need a centrally located office to check their emails or print out materials. It is a home for their work life. I want this office to be a community of businesses within our four walls.”
Realizing every business has unique needs, Diana offers a range of membership levels that include an a la carte assortment of services to choose from. “The membership system allows for adding and subtracting services based on what the business owner needs. So every package is personalized,” says Diana. In a nutshell, this is a place for working people to come together and make connections. I could not be prouder of this building and the people in it. They have all stood by me and have been a great support system.
North Star Business Center is open Monday through Friday from 10 am to 4 pm and is located at 141 N 6th Street in Show Low and can be contacted at (928) 532-2680.